I'm happy to be the the first interview on Trevor McKendrick's new podcast, The Launch Campus.
Trevor is a proven entrepreneur, and somebody I'm eager to learn from through these podcasts.
Listen online here, or find it on iTunes here.
Speaking of podcasts, have I mentioned my own nascent effort in Podcasting? Along with Jordan Petersen and Jason van Genderen, I've started the Pocket Films Podcast to discuss mobile-made filmmaking. We're producing this fast and dirty, but I'm happy with what we've done so far. If you're interested in the world of making movies with what you already have, tune in here. We haven't pushed this at all, and are really feeling out what it is we want this podcast to be. If you have thoughts, suggestions, comments, threats, or other feedback, send it along to info@pocketfilmfest.com.
This podcast is (obviously) part of our Pocket Film Fest efforts. The selection committee just watched all of our submissions from this year, and will announce soon who will be screening at the fest! If you're in or around Utah during the first week of September, COME! It'll be a guaranteed good time. The films are fantastic. We'll screen my own film, Life on Bitcoin, as well as another documentary, Raiders!. And of course, our shorts program, comprised of dozens of mobile-made films. You won't want to miss it. See a full schedule below, and get tickets here.